What Is Here In The Valley?

'Here In The Valley' is a narrative driven survival game about love, loss, and addiction, set against the overgrown ruins of a once drug dependent dystopia.

Your significant other has vanished, clues as to her whereabouts litter the savagely beautiful wasteland. Facing certain peril, near crippling drug addiction, and the horrors of a world gone insane, you set out to find her amidst the vast reaches of the valley.

Before nature reclaimed the world, society at large could be described as violent, selfish, and in a state of severe disarray. Poverty and civil strife abound as order and stability wane in the face of a declining economy. Inner cities are converted to shanties. There is no money. There are no jobs. The demand for emergency services surges as hospitals are reach maximum capacity. Widespread panic, rioting, and disorder ensue.

The powers that be order the immediate construction of perimeter walls and checkpoints in an attempt to contain the epidemic around every major city. Security forces are mobilized and arrive next, guarding the exits and intrusively monitoring and harassing each resident, often by force. Society changes for the last time.

A new experimental drug is developed and produced for consumption. The last frenzied action taken by a government desperate to regain civility and control. It works. The drug acts as a societal dampener, increasing productivity, and suppressing invasive or otherwise inherently violent thoughts and actions. Jobs are created through the building of massive production facilities. A drug dependent dystopia is born as the leaders of man quickly follow suit in making consumption mandatory and regaining control of each lost city.

It isn't long before the withdrawal effects, along with an almost worldwide shortage of the drug, spark civil unrest, and eventually war. The survivors are left to tend too the overgrown ruins, scraps of meat human or not, and strange wasteland versions of the drug which has rendered many insane and forever violently altered.

Rumors of a clandestine government faction sweep the wasteland, and with the original drug, something thought to be a myth, and the promise of a new, better, world order.

You play as a wasteland denizen, forced too survive, addicted, but not alone, until one day...the valley awaits.


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When you're ready to share more we should do a live interview. :) Definitely interested to know more about the characters, world and the gameplay.


I would love too!